Photo by Ivan Samkov on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Photo by Ivan Samkov on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

As a fitness instructor with Fitness Alberta, formerly known as AFLCA, you can specialize in many areas within the group fitness category. Learn about the different types of AFLCA fitness certification and how you can specialize in each of them.

5 AFLCA Fitness Certification Courses for Group Fitness

The following certifications require you to study and pass the Foundations in Physical Activity and Exercise, formerly called Exercise Theory. This course is the prerequisite to the following certifications and serves as your knowledge foundation.

Check out our supplemental Foundations in Physical Activity and Exercise course here.

As a group fitness instructor, you will also need to take Group exercise fundamentals, followed by a specialty of your choice below. Group exercise fundamentals allow you to teach classes safely and effectively. On top of what you learn from the Foundations in Physical Activity and Exercise course, you will further learn about legality, exercise analysis, and special populations.


Those who love to work with dance and fitness should consider Choreography. As a part of this fitness certification, you get to learn how to plan and teach group-based classes in an effective and safe fashion.

Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to, how to use music, proper cueing, and safe progression. However, the main differentiator between different Choreography courses is the course instructor. Some instructors may choose to incorporate elements from kickboxing while others more so from Zumba or Jazz. Once you satisfy the requirements and pass, you will be able to bring your own flair to the table and share your passion and experience with other adults!


Think of Cycle as like a Spin class – you know, indoor cycling. Spin classes are very popular amongst adults and provide a fantastic way to get your work out in. If you love biking and you love teaching, Cycle can bring out the best in you!

In this course, you will learn how to plan and implement recreational indoor cycling classes. Other topics you can expect to learn to include setting up the bike, posture, cardiovascular conditioning, and effective instructing.


Sometimes slowing down and learning to engage and connect your mind and body is what we need in our busy lives. As a Mind-Body fitness instructor, you get to introduce these practices into your group fitness classes.

This course includes yoga, pilates, tai chi, and even nia into your practices. As a fitness instructor, you are introduced to learning how to plan your classes, combine different types of movements, and help your students focus on balance, strength, and flexibility.

Portable Equipment

Incorporating equipment in a group fitness class can allow you to work with your clients on balance and flexibility. Rather than just stick with body weights, portable equipment enables you to be more creative and fun!

This course teaches you how to design and implement portable equipment into your class. You will learn more about how to use certain equipment, instructing, and using music during exercise.

You may get to work with BOSU, medicine balls, foam rollers, and barbells. However, the equipment you work with will depend on your instructor and their expertise.


Step classes are a classic – it has everything that will get your body moving and sweating. Intensity, coordination, music, and rhythm are some of the components that you work on within Step classes.

Like other group fitness certifications, you can expect to learn about safety guidelines, designing and implementing an effective class structure, choreography, and cueing.

Want to Get Your Group Fitness Certification Started?

Check out our Foundations in Physical Activity and Exercise supplemental course to get started! If you are already enrolled in a course, we also offer practice questions sets totalling over 600 questions.

Last modified: April 14, 2022