As a BCRPA professional, you have 2 years before you have to renew your certification. The renewal process is simple – all you have to do is to submit all the required documents online through your personal account on The Registry. Find out more about the BCRPA Renewal process below.

The Registry of Fitness Professionals

The Registry is where all BCRPA fitness students and professionals update and maintain their profiles. You will be using this to even book your future exams. More on how to do this here.

Remember to submit everything online via The Registry, as this is the only way that they will process your renewals.

Requirements for BCRPA Renewal

Your renewal date is usually when you have officially registered as a Fitness Leader under some specialty module like aquatic fitness. You can check when your certificate is up for renewal on The Registry.

There are 4 requirements you must meet before your renewal:

  • CPR Certification
  • First Aid Certification
  • CEC
  • Registration fee

We recommend that you submit all the documents ahead of time, as it may take up to ~2 weeks for all the documentation to be assessed.

BCRPA will send out reminders so you will know when you will need to update your requirements. While BCRPA sends out helpful reminders, it is ultimately your responsibility to make sure you keep your registration and CPR + First Aid valid. Note that once these previously mentioned things expire, BCRPA insurance will not be able to cover you. So, remember to have every supporting certification valid to maintain your insurance!

How to Update Your Account on The Registry

Updating your First Aid and CPR

  1. The first step is to login to your account on The Registry
  2. You will see the First Aid Certificate/CPR Certificate tab
  3. Click +Add Certificate (and fill in the info!)

Updating your CEC

  1. Like the instructions above, you will need to login to your account
  2. Click CEC log, then Submit CEC Petition (and fill out any info)

Just remember to keep all your workshop completion records in case BCRPA selects you for a random audit. If this is the case, you will need to scan or take a photo, then upload an electronic version.

Pay BCRPA Renewal Fee

  1. Same as the above
  2. Click on the Manage Registration tab (if you can’t find, use Ctrl+F button to help search)
  3. Click Proceed with Purchase (and additional prompts)

You will only be able to pay if you meet all the renewal requirements. In addition, you will also need to be within the renewal window period of 3 months prior to the expiration date. If you need additional registration help, you can contact BCRPA.

My Certificate has already Expired! What do I do?

Depending on how long your certification has expired, you will need to follow different steps. We have written a lengthy article on what you should do in different circumstances. More on that here.

Looks like I Need to Start From the Beginning!

No problem. We got you covered. Begin with our BC Fitness Theory course and get ready for your Fitness Theory exam today.

Last modified: April 14, 2022