If it’s been a while since you’ve written an exam, you might find preparing for the BCRPA Fitness Theory exam a little bit intimidating.  But once you’re familiar with the BCRPA Fitness Theory exam content, the types of questions they ask, and if you follow these exam tips, you’ll pass with flying colours.

 3 Helpful Fitness Theory Exam Tips

  1. Watch the Clock – If you’re unsure about a question, move on.  You only have 60 minutes to answer 60 questions. So make sure you answer carefully because you won’t have time to double-check.  After 30 minutes, you should be on question 30 (roughly halfway through your exam).
  2. Be Comfortable – You get to write the BCRPA Fitness Theory Exam in the comfort of your own home! Pick a comfortable spot and pick a time of day where you’re the most alert.  Ideally, you should write the exam in the same room you study in.
  3. Answer Every Question – There is no penalty for getting questions wrong so there’s no harm in guessing if you have to. You can always revisit questions you aren’t sure about later.

3 Multiple Choice Question Tips for the BCRPA Fitness Theory Exam

The exam is comprised of just 60 multiple-choice questions.  While this might seem easy, they can be tricky if you’re not armed with the right tips and strategies on how to answer the BCRPA Fitness Theory multiple-choice questions.

  1. Read Carefully – Read the question carefully as there could be important details hidden within.  Look out for phrases that hint at the answer (ie. BEST or MOST).  There might also be 2 options that look very similar so be careful!
  2. Predict the Answer – Even before you read the options, try to come up with the answer on your own.  This reduces the chance that you might be tricked or confused by the options.
  3. Eliminate the Obviously Incorrect Answers First – If you’re unsure about the answer, eliminating the options you know are wrong can help increase your probability of scoring.

Was This Helpful?

I hope these tips were helpful and have given you some confidence leading up to your exam date.  If you thought these were helpful but still need some help understanding some of the concepts, check out our online Fitness Theory course or contact us.

Last modified: June 16, 2021