If you are searching for a BCRPA Fitness Theory manual, you are probably planning on taking the exam soon. While there is no standardized manual, we have created one with you in mind. We understand that you are busy and have a life of your own. No one wants to spend a huge amount of time studying after work or after looking after your children. So, let us help you minimize your studying time while getting the best result!

Associating Key Terms to Real Life Situations

It is important to understand key terms when you are studying. For example, if you are studying the skeletal or muscular systems, certain words often come up. For instance, in the exam section, movement terms such as flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction will frequently appear under movement mechanics or anatomy. While you can resort to pure memorization, what you can do is associate the terms to things you already know.

Let’s use flexion as an example. Flexion is when you decrease the angle in a joint – like the up-phase of a biceps curl. When you do a biceps curl or flex your biceps, you automatically decrease the angle between your forearm and your biceps. This example can help you retain some new information about the term flexion. Other examples could be referring to when you trained for an athletic competition or even when your friend Chris pulled his quadriceps! By simply recalling the things that you already know, you will remember new key terms quickly. For best results, think about things that are a part of your life.

BCRPA Fitness Theory Manual: Simplified and Condense

Our BC Fitness Theory course comes with manual and accompanying lectures. Our manual is only 98 pages, which is way less than any other textbook you will find yourself reading. It is designed so that it is easy to read and memorize. We also offer different versions to cater to your studying needs. Whether you want completed notes or fill-in-the-blanks to increase your engagement, we got it.

The main focus for us is to make the content condense and simplified to save you time. If you want more explanation, we have lectures to accompany each chapter from the manual. Everything you need to know is in the manual. But, if you want even more explanation, we also have resources that you can turn to for further help.

Keep in mind that while it is good to understand everything in the manual, the key thing is to know how much to allocate your time. There are 10 sections on the exam, emphasizing anatomy, physiology, and movement mechanics.

Many of the questions will be application-based, but as long as you spend time studying, listening to our lectures, and going over all of our ~700 practice questions, you will do well!

I’m Ready to Start!

We look forward to seeing you in the course! Begin your studying now and start prepping for your BCRPA Fitness theory exam

Last modified: September 7, 2021