The key thing about the BCRPA fitness theory questions is to get used to the question types! Once you are familiar with them, you will be able to study efficiently and confidently. Here are some of the common fitness theory questions that you will encounter:

Fitness Theory Questions


The anatomy portion of the exam is worth 15% of all the questions. This means that out of 60 questions, 9 of them are anatomy-related. You can check out the exam breakdown here. Simply memorizing the different muscles alone will not help you ace this section. Of course, this is not to say that memorizing muscles is not important – it absolutely is! Once you have memorized the different muscles, where the general location is, and the associated movement, you will need to apply it. Types of questions to consider include:

  • Understanding the relationship between the antagonist and agonist muscles
  • Knowing which muscles are responsible for common exercises, including squats
  • Which muscles are responsible for certain movements, for example, elbow flexion


The physiology questions consist of 21.5% of the exam. That’s roughly 13 questions! This section tests your knowledge about the different body systems, including your cardiovascular and pulmonary systems and how different exercise types affect these systems. Think about these:

  • How the body responds to endurance or strength training
  • How different types of exercise can influence the body’s system, especially the muscle, heart, and lungs
  • Understanding how different systems work together during exercise

Movement Mechanics

Lastly, the movement mechanics section takes up a whopping 25% of the exam. That’s 15 questions out of the 60!! This section is important because it tests your understanding of how different muscles and joints work together. The important thing about this section is that you will have to apply your knowledge of the lever system and stability. Don’t quite remember what that is? Head over to our course and refresh your memory! On the exam, you might encounter questions that test your ability to:

  • Assess different variations of a workout and see if you can tell if the workout is harder or easier
  • Identify which exercises increases or decreases stability
  • Analyze and understand how certain movements affect your base of support

Hundreds of BCRPA Fitness Theory Questions

Now that you know the most common question types, let’s put your knowledge to the test. Enroll in our course BC Fitness Theory Course and access hundreds of practice questions, lectures, and condensed notes. Pass the exam in as little as one month! If you have any questions, simply reach out to us at [email protected] or use our website’s chat function.

Last modified: July 16, 2021