Are you trying to find a BCRPA online course to take from home? You have come to the right place. Read below to find out more about our BC Fitness Theory Course and how you can pass your exam.

Step 1: Enroll in our BCRPA Online Course

The first step to passing your fitness theory exam is to enroll in a course. Why you might ask. There are a few reasons for this:

For those with no fitness or health-related background:

There are quite a few challenges for those without prior background knowledge in fitness or health. For one, there will be a lot of technical terminologies that you will need to know. For example, some movement terms like abduction or adduction. Others could be anything ranging from muscle names to acronyms like the FITT Principle. It will be important to be comfortable with different concepts like cardiovascular system and exercise safety too.

For those with some fitness or health-related background:

The exam will be less challenging, as you will have some prior knowledge of muscles or perhaps movements. Also, hands-on experience will allow you to visualize particular exercises, for example, lunges and squats, and the associated muscles. However, if you have more field experience but have not taken certification exams before, this will be slightly tricky. We suggest becoming familiar with the question types, reviewing the key concepts, and practicing practice questions.

The solution: BC Fitness Theory Online Course

Here, we provide an online course where you will learn or refresh your knowledge of different topics. For more info on the exam content, check here. Also, rather than going over hundreds of textbook pages, we provide condensed and concise notes that you can use to study along with our lectures. Not only that, but we also have more than 600+ (new questions are added frequently) to help you cement your knowledge. So, what are you waiting for? Head over to our BC FItness theory Course to check out the course and enroll when you’re ready.

Step 2: Study for the BCRPA Fitness Theory

Once you have enrolled in our BCRPA online course, you should start studying. Putting it off will be difficult since you will want to take too much time with it. We suggest that you set a goal of taking your exam and working towards the goal. Whether this involves scheduling study dates in your calendar or writing a to-do list for each week will help you work towards your goal.


  • Print out the notes and highlight the key info or terms (feel free to rewrite things in your own words)
  • Connecting concepts together
  • Doing the practice questions over and over until you know all the answers.
  • Do not cram!! Plan your study wisely to reduce stress (3 times a week is optimal)
  • Designate your time according to the exam breakdown
  • If you have questions, reach out to us to get extra help

Step 3: Book and Take Your Exam

Now that you have taken the online course and feel like you are ready to book your exam. If you have not created an account, you will want to do that. You can find exam and registration info in the intro section of our course. Just remember that the exam is online! Find a quiet space and make sure you have steady internet, a webcam, and a calculator nearby.

Ready to Enroll?

Head over and begin studying! We also offer payment plans to suit your financial needs too.

Last modified: July 16, 2021