To work as a fitness professional in Saskatchewan, you need to register as a fitness leader with the NFLA. NFLA stands for the National Fitness Leadership Association of Canada, the governing fitness body in Canada. In SK, you do this through their provincial affiliate, the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA). To complete your SPRA fitness leader registration, you need to follow a simple step-by-step process.

SPRA Fitness Leader Registration

Step 1: Study

Every province has its own name for the NFLA/SPRA course, but it is called Exercise Theory in Saskatchewan. It is not a certification but a prerequisite to other certifications from the specialty modules. Once you have studied the Exercise Theory course and feel confident, you are ready to move to Step 2 and register for the exam.

Step 2: Register for the SPRA Exercise Theory Exam

After taking our course, you will need to apply to the SPRA to challenge the exam. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Call them at 1-800-563-2555 and tell them that you want to challenge the Exercise Theory exam.
  2. From there, they will offer you additional guidance and steps on how to register for that.
  3. Pay the $75 exam registration fee.

Anyone can challenge the exam, but you will need to take a remedial course with the SPRA before you can write again if you fail twice.

Step 3: SPRA First Aid/CPR Requirements

Once you have passed the exam, you must present the SPRA with a current (newer than 2 years) First Aid and CPR Level A certificate.

Step 4: SPRA Specialty Modules

Now that you have the basics covered, you need to choose a specialty for your practice going forward. You can change and take more to expand your knowledge in the future, but you need to pick one for now.

Within 6 months of passing the SPRA Exercise Theory Exam, you must choose one of 3 certification paths/modules:

  • Group Exercise
  • Aquatic Exercise
  • Exercise for Older Adults

Finally, submit your paperwork: CPR/First Aid Certificate, Practical Evaluation and Lesson Plan, a completed Fitness Leader Certification Form, and a certification fee of $85.

SPRA Fitness Leader Registration: Complete!

Congratulations! Now you’re a certified fitness leader with SPRA.

Last modified: August 26, 2021