Photo by <a href="">GRAHAM MANSFIELD</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="">GRAHAM MANSFIELD</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

You’ve taken the fitness theory course, passed the exam, and now you have gained a few years of experience under your belt. What is next? For those who want to further their career, BCRPA offers two advanced designations, SFL and TFL. These positions enable fitness leaders to develop professionally by taking on bigger roles in the fitness industry. We will focus on the roles and requirements of the Supervisor of fitness leaders (SFL) in this article.

An overview of the Supervisors of Fitness Leaders (SFL)

SFL stands for the Supervisor of Fitness Leaders. These individuals have more responsibilities than your regular fitness leader. They are given the task of overseeing their fitness leader colleagues and are often the programmers or managers at fitness facilities. Oftentimes, they are the ones who are hiring fitness leaders! SFLs can also run workshops in their area of specialty, perform ICE (instructor competency evaluation) and award continuing education credits (CECs).

Supervisor of Fitness Leaders Requirements

To apply for a position as an SFL, you will have to meet these guidelines:

  • Currently a member of BCRPA fitness leader
  • Have at least 4 years of work experience as a Fitness Leader
  • Completed an ICE workshop and Shadow ICE
  • Completed 1 or more BCRPA specialty modules (ex. weight training, group fitness, etc.)

If you meet all these requirements, great! You’re ready to fill in the form (which we will explain below).

Supervisor of Fitness Leaders Application

The SFL application itself is fairly straightforward. You’ll need to provide these few things:

Contact details

This is where you will provide the basic info about yourself. Expect to provide information, including your full name, address, phone number, leader ID, and employer or facility name.

Educational background

You will be asked to indicate your highest level of education—for example, secondary school, college diploma, university, or graduate degree. However, if you have any other education, you can also provide those details too.

Work and Fitness Resume

Unlike your normal job application, BCRPA requires you to provide 2 types of resumes.

The first is your work resume. This is the standard employment resume that you would provide during a job application.

The second is your Fitness resume. This outlines your teaching experience within the fitness industry. Here, you will want to mention the population (seniors, child, etc.) you have taught, how long you have been teaching, or which programs you have taught. At the end of your resume, don’t forget to provide any additional teaching experience you have outside the fitness industry, such as your role as a hockey coach or First Aid instructor.

Specialty Module Selection

As an SFL, you can teach any courses you have designations for. In this section, you will have to indicate which specialty module(s) you are applying for and when and where you took the specialty module training. You will be asked to provide the month, and year you took your ICE workshop, its location, and the name of your SFL/TFL course provider. Lastly, you will have to indicate when and where you conducted your Shadow ICE and your SFL/TFL evaluator.

Reference Letter

Like any other job application, you will have to provide 2 reference letters to support your competencies as a trainer and educator. These individuals can be your manager or supervisor.

Last modified: July 15, 2021